The Anti-ist
The Anti-ist
Dressed in the style of the mourner, creating art not for enjoyment, but instead expression. The lifestyle of the Anti-ist is centered around protest. We live in a time where many use social media to share incessantly. Not only their clothing taste but their food preference, not only creative ideas but also political affiliations. The danger of this is the cultivation of an internal state somewhat dependent on the eyes of others. Or in other words existence through being seen, and likewise non-existence when not being witnessed. One could then conclude if it is not heard it was not said, and if it was not perceived it was not done, and if it is not being done it lacks value. This is all wrong, as we all know the tree that falls in a forest does indeed make a sound. To believe otherwise is to expose one's sense of grand importance.
To the Anti-ist that which is not seen is often far more impactful. It is not the fact that it is not seen, but rather that it was not done to be seen. Truly it is the motive that gives context and depth to action.
Life as a lived protest is not intended to be a spectacle, but rather an intentional way of being. While protest through sharing on social media is filled with virtue signaling, groupthink, performance, acceptance, and conformity. If the opinion is made and the conclusion is drawn through the influence of the dominant culture, then is it a protest at all? To become a rebel through conformity defies the definition making the law somewhat paradoxical.
Not only this but like-minded folks are often connected through social media platforms. Therefore the protest and spread of information is simply shared, one hand to the next, in a somewhat homogenous group. This act serves to validate each individual in the community while causing little to no change. After an extended amount of time, or the unleashing of a new current event, whichever happens first will put an end to said protest. Slowly one by one the meta-verse warriors vanish from time and space completely.
The Anti-ist is an outsider amongst outsiders and is not associated with any belief, but simply awaits the end of modern society. Acknowledging the sheer conflicting nature of many of today's causes, within the cataclysmic consuming species we call the machine.
The reality is that recycling will not solve the problems or significantly slow our human power of entropy caused ultimately by our lifestyle. What is the culture of consumption? it is clubbing, it is the Superbowl, it is the dream of irresponsible wealth. It is a careless life focused on self-gratification, joy, and having fun. Through mourning the world, we can begin the healing process. Seeing the truth through the distortion of tears is better than not seeing it at all.
The smile was not always so sinister, but now is a tool of the modern capitalist scheme. The joyville laugh, and smile in a retail environment create a feeling of comfort. This is likely to influence time spent in the store, and the number of dollars captured. The same can be said with a variety of industries. Why should we be happy? If we cared, even desperately, as we say we do on our profiles, we wouldn't even pretend. But instead would express our potent feelings, in the art of our lives.
The most powerful tool is an expression, the ability to express creates endless possibilities, futures, and alternate realities. Art is the combination of expression and creativity and is the conduit of change in our world. This is why true artists are rare, as art is synonymous with rebellion. The artist keeps humankind in touch with truth by expressing their vision. Art is, therefore, the weapon we use to fight for space and time in our day-to-day lives.
The Anti-ist is Anti-society, Anti-modern, Anti-conformity, and Anti-status quo. They live without definition, direction, and opinion besides those of their own. They are free minds, completely liberated from the pressure cooker of globalism. The Anti-ist has died, and surrendered, becoming vulnerable in exchange for the pursuit of contact with themselves, and an authentic existence.
Through the use of digital protest, we create the illusion of agency while experiencing complete and utter powerlessness. We simultaneously contain a true desire for equality and also feed the ego to sedate the omnipotent presence of the guilty Western mind. Constant virtue signaling is a product of deep-seated guilt.